Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hello - It has been awhile…

Wow. I can’t believe it has been over a year since I last posted here.

Over a year!

Last time, right before posting, I did a preliminary “roll-call” / exploratory search of which bloggers were still around and actively blogging. I did not do that this time.

Why? Because every time I’ve been meaning to post I have been using that preliminary roll-call as a prerequisite to post and it has ultimately and ironically led me to not post.

Why have I been away?

No, it wasn’t just that roll-call task which has kept me away. So many things have been going on personally that
have all played a role in my delayed posts, plus every time I planned to post it coincidentally occurred with potential bad timing with national events so I held off longer.

Its a lot and layered and I’ll just wait on sharing all those things and details for another time.

To my fellow bloggers and regular readers I hope you are all individually doing well. If you come across across this post, drop me a line and say hello and let me know how you are doing. I’ll do my best to return the favor and check-in on you if I haven’t in awhile. 

As far as myself, don’t worry, fortunately (or possibly unfortunately, depending on your point of view), I haven’t lost my interest in spanking and the disciplinary arts. And although the reasons for and the required severity may vary, there still does not seem to be a shortage of girls in need of a good spanking. Well at least from what I see.

Which brings me to the second point of this post. 

I was having a conversation with my current girl the other day and she was explaining (arguing her point) that a lot of the young women these days have not been taught the same feminine "manners" (?) that she and others of her generation were raised on. I'm not sure if "manners" is the right word or not, but she was referring to young women not knowing things such as when to cross their legs, awareness of their dress hems, revealing tops, and stray bra straps, or not looking to see who might be staring when leaning or bending over - all these sorts of things. 

Personally I am not summing it up to a a generational lacking, as I have seen quite a bit of this "lack of manners" in my neck of the woods and it isn't solely reflective of one generation or age group. In fact, it is quite a few and almost across the age board, almost. I often see displays of uncrossed legs in cafes, bending fully over in check-out lines, sheer skirts worn by young moms who should know better...quite an assortment of examples. Mind you, I'm not complaining, I just don't think this is strictly unique to the younger demographic, although they are the majority.


So I'll leave you with those thoughts and these questions - 

Do you agree with my girl, that this is almost exclusive to young women of younger generations?


Do you agree with me, that is is across a larger segment, although indeed heavy tilted towards the younger ones?


Do you not see this at all in your neck of the woods?  

As always, yes, I'm here with the deep thoughts and probing questions that fill the back of your minds and keep you up at night.

Looking forward to hearing from you and your thoughts on this national issue.

Until next time, all the best.




  1. Glad you are posting again!

  2. Hi, glad to see you back, Enzo. I think that my answer has to be that you do not see that so much in my neck of Belgium.


  3. That was me, by the way :)


  4. I would posit it's a combination of both. Relaxed attitudes, changes in social mores, a loosening of "manners" or maybe that should be a deterioration, plus other things. I know a good solution to this issue however. :)


Comments are always encouraged and appreciated -- Just remember to be polite.