Deep breath.
Where to begin.
It has been an extended moment since I have posted, but unlike my other absences this one has felt especially long - especially long to me. I have continued to work from home, volunteering on a regular basis throughout the week and trying to make sense of the world; as the calendar pages fly by. The days are both strangely long as well as simultaneously slipping fast.
What has kept my creative juices from flowing?
Well If you are anywhere on this tiny blue marble floating in space you are more than likely in the same boat as the rest of us, dealing with this ongoing plague. Yup, we are all in this together…
If you happen to be in the good ol’ U S of A and live near a major metropolitan area than there is also another good chance that you are dealing with the threat of a seemingly ever rising wave of the plague. To make matters worse, I don’t know why such simple precautions as wearing a mask is being taken as a sign of attack on our personal American freedoms. How and why?! This whole thing has become yet another sad and tragic political divide. Failed leadership once more.
Between that and the civil unrests throughout the country, originating in this country and spreading internationally…. yeah I just don't know what to say. If I have anything different that I can share is that I am just surprised at the people who are surprised. Really; y'all had no idea? Really?
There is no need at the moment to repeat stats, share words of cautionary wisdom, speak to the ongoing injustices that have been going on for generations… because indeed WE ARE ALL IN THIS MESS TOGETHER! Regardless of where we fall on a color chart, or on a political ideological chart or what God we pray to; we all need to own this and find a genuine solution to it all!
Apologies for this less than inspiring post, but again I’m just at a loss at the moment.
Deep breath.
I hope to share some new stories soon, to return to the regular programming of this blog; so if you have any preferences, drop me a note.
Since I don’t want to be a total downer, I’ll leave you with the following 3 items in hopes they make you smile.
1) Public Art - This seemingly nostalgic image, as well as the one above, were created and intended to be shared freely as public service announcements. I say well done. Share away! Click for full size and print. While you are at it, see if you can find your home country in the one above.
2) This girl is brilliant - You probably saw this on social media already, but it still makes me laugh. I did learn that the girl pictured is not only the creator of said mask, but was also selling them as a fundraiser for healthcare workers so good on her! Indeed Mindy seems like a nice confident girl who’s not afraid of telling people whats on her mind, nor her comfort at perhaps a special skillset?
Closer image for detail:

As opposed to, lastly,
3) this Other Girl… who I am at a loss for polite words with.
If you don’t know who she is, lucky you.
I don't know about you, but every single time I hear her talk...
Let me just put it this way -
In case you haven’t noticed, I believe in discipline spankings. Discipline spankings best delivered on the bare with intent to leave a lasting impression in more ways than one.
If there has ever been any public figure I would love to take my leather belt to, it is to this smug, petulant little girl’s entitled ass.
You may feel different, about her and my thoughts on her - I warned you; sorry, not sorry.