I believe we share the same interests, dear readers, aside from the obvious of course.
Quite a few of the same interests, including my love of pinup girls.
Within all the genres of pinup art my favorite is the cheesecake style which if you know the different styles should be no surprise, (and if not, here is a concise run down of some of the most popular genres) with Gil Elvgren being my favorite artist and on the top while Art Frahm is - well let’s just say I consider him on the other end of the spectrum; not for technique, but for his unbelievable scenarios. Nevertheless it was Frahm, and not Elvgren who popped into my head this morning.
Are you following me still? Hope so. Allow me to continue.
I had an interesting experience while on the elevator at work today.
The building I work in is mixed use, commercial, office and residential. Separate, except for the shared basement floor used primarily for both the overall parking garage passageway and the residential only laundry room.
I found myself in this area waiting for what seemed like a quarter hour for the elevator to arrive. The door finally opens just as a young lady rushes out of the laundry room carrying two laundry hampers. Being the gentleman I have been accused of, I held the door open for her allowing her to pass first and allowing myself a clear view of her petite yet well defined shape encased in a knee-length, form fitting rayon dress over bare legs.
As soon as she gets on, she leans forward and she drops her laundry hampers down on the elevator floor. She has my attention as she straightens up from her bent over state as I then notice her fidget with her dress and I could have sworn I hear a snap.

I have seen this girl around the building grounds before, infrequently, and have never actually had a conversation apart from the courtesy salutation. Not even the how was your weekend, more like the simple hello in passing. Anyways, my point is we recognize each other, but don’t know each other.
I am watching her and she is watching me as I actually initiate small talk this time about how busy the laundry room seemed to be this morning (I had passed by it and seen quite a few of the machines churning away). She is making eye contact with me as she is answering that people must be working from home today while simultaneously, nonchalantly fidgets and tugs at what seems to be the waist area of her dress and snaps it. This time it on her right side now; the side closest to me. And then in delayed reaction it hits me just as the door opens onto my floor.
I think, no; couldn’t have been.
But yes, did I really just see this?
Did I really just hear that?
As I wish her a great day, my delayed belief sets in.
Was she really tugging up and snapping her panties into place?
Was she pulling up on her panties in front of me?
Not caring that I see?
Or was she not aware of what she was doing?
Was it merely an involuntary habit, indifferent action or an intentional act?
I ask myself, and more importantly I ask you - Do girls do this?
So what are you getting at Enzo, you ask?
The obvious subtle sexiness of it. Does that make sense?
And thus, as I walked back to my office, visions of Frahm pinups flashed through my mind.
So it wasn’t “sexiness” in a Frahm over-the-top way, to the point of unbelievable. I mean just look at those illustrations they don’t make sense. And I have never been a big fan of his extreme fantasy. That being said, his illustration Going Down, did fit the scene; sort-of.

However, in reality the probability for a plausible reason can lead a mind to wander.
So many questions, for my Elevator Girl including: Why did you do that? Not once, but twice. And more importantly, why are your panties falling down?
Is it that they are too big — or they’ve stretched due to wear?
Perhaps you should try a size down Young Lady and see if that solves the problem.
Or are they worn and the elastic giving way?
Don't worry, either way, we'll set up a campaign to raise funds for some new panties. In fact, I'll gladly take you pantie shopping, my treat.
Oh, so many questions….
Although the above illustration fit the scene better, I prefer this next illustration for detail reasons and the fact that this pinup girl resembles my Elevator Girl closer:

So if I have peaked your interest and you find yourself compelled to read more about Art Frahm and celery - yes celery, click through to this slideshow type article; keep clicking next. I promise it will make you laugh.
And when you are done laughing, you can get back to me with some answers, please.