Random Thoughts: Off Topic + A Technical Question
1. Technical Question: Blogger / Follower Profiles
If I remember correctly and if I wasn’t hallucinating, Blogger used to offer an option of clicking on those generous people who “Follow” your blog and you’d be able to see the names of their own blogs. For some reason that no longer seems to be an option. When I click on a follower all I see is a list of blogs they do follow, but not his/her actual blog. Hmm; am I missing something?
2. Most Recent Story
So I posted a story recently, which seems to have attracted even less feedback than usual. I wonder if this was due to either (A) the storyline theme in particular, aka the reason for the spanking or (B) perhaps due to an additional somewhat explicit image/gif (that I have since removed) which may have been too much for some readers? If you are so inclined to share your opinion as to if either "A" or "B" is correct, please do so over at that post.

3. A Personal Update for the sake of Clarification
On a prior post, I wrote about the status of my relationship. Apparently I was too vague with the following comment.
“… to starting anew in the relationship department.”
What I meant, was not that I started a new relationship, but moving on from my past relationship to start anew. A very subtle difference unintentionally easily misunderstood.
Not sure I am ready to officially start dating again and depending on which “professional advise” you subscribe to it may or may not be time. Regardless of being ready to date or not, a man does get lonely.
For those readers out there who are not in relationships, I am sure you can relate too well to that engulfing loneliness. Granted there are a few days when I am either a) grateful and able to find the inner peace of attending events without worrying about having to accommodate the tastes and preference of another b) or catch a glimpse other couples and their intense arguments and I am grateful I am not in those situations (in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship).
However, as just those two simple points are stated there are the obvious flips sides to those coins; a) it would be nice to not have to always go to places alone and therefore b) it would be nice to have companionship and to be in a consistent relationship.
Social Media's Two-Sides
With that overview aside, there were two young ladies I recently “went out” with.
I was corresponding with one young lady for the past few months (she is my age for the record, but as you know, I use the term “young lady” generally because…well it is part of my relevant vocabulary). We were not dating per say, just talking as she needed a compassionate ear for the many life trials she was experiencing lately. We talked often and it was nice to feel “wanted”. We went out only twice, it went well overall, but nothing more than a hug happened. Well thanks to (the negative side of) social media, it appears that she has found herself a boyfriend which came to a big surprise to me. As I randomly happen to come across her posts of weekend getaways with some other guy. Okay, so that answers that.
The other young lady (who for the record is 10 years my junior), was an old friend who had moved cross country, but was in town for summer visiting family while planning for an international move. We had kept in touch over the years thanks to (the positive side of) social media. I invited her out for a friendly get together. We had dinner and a long night of talking and drinking. To say that it was awesome, despite its apparent simplicity, would be an understatement. At the end of the night after walking her home, we made plans to get together within the next two days. To condense the story I eventually received a text canceling any further get-togethers as she thought it would be too complicated to simply hang out since she will be leaving the country in a few short weeks. I was stunned, confused and disappointed.

So there you have it, an update on my personal life that you didn’t ask for, but I shared anyways. It is going to be a challenge to start anew and an even bigger challenge to find someone who shares my interests, who shares our interests. And as I've said before on this blog; at this point in my life I don’t want to settle without that which I have accepted as an intricate part of my life. That which the majority of you have and currently experience in your relationships that which brings us all to blogs and places like this. Which just makes things all the more challenging.
Oh and if you have read this far, to thank you, I’ll give you the treat of playing a game. I found the above inspired illustration this morning simply by chance and it somehow seemed to relate well in regards to the second “relationship” story I shared above.
Can you identify the name of the movie that this image references?
Have a good week and pray for Texas!
I enjoyed your last story. The picture did not bother me. I live in South Texas and yes we have a ton of rain. Thank you for your prayers for the people of Texas. I am glad your in a better place in your life.
ReplyDeleteHi Enzo,
ReplyDeleteTo answer your first question, unfortunately that's the way the Followers gadget now works. The reason is because Google no longer supports Google Friends Connect, which used to power the gadget. Not great, is it? You also can't follow anonymously. Only people with a Google logon can follow, no Twitter, WordPress etc.
Subone - Foremost, glad to hear you are ok where you are at in Texas. Hoping for the best for all of the people there.
ReplyDeleteSo to clarify, the picture that I removed did not bother you (that is, if you saw it before I removed it) or the current pic?
Thanks for commenting.
Hermione - Thanks for the information! I somehow thought you would know the answer. Well, that isn't very good…hmm, wonder what Google’s logic was on that? Appreciate the clarification.