Saturday, March 16, 2019

Hotel Room Temperatures: Revisted

How is life treating everyone? If you are like me, you are probably in deep need of a distraction. Life for me has been extra busy, thus my absence (if anyone even noticed). I can’t believe we are in mid-March already.

I was hoping to share a new story today, but the days are slipping away fast as I deal with real life responsibilities; leaving me with little time to finalize the few uncompleted stories still in the works.

Therefore I searched the archives to bring you this little treat. I originally published this early on in my blogging days. Since I am almost sure hardly if any of you would remember it, I am re-sharing it now, updated and edited in hopes of it brightening your day. Please let me know if it does just that.


She heard a noise, but thinking it was the room's annoying air conditioning kicking-in once again paused only for a second before returning her attention to the laptop. Another loud click and a creak followed and she suddenly realized that the noise was the hotel room door opening and she rushed to log off the computer in a panic.

She jumped up, fumbling with her wallet attempting to zipper it up while she pushed herself up off the chair and away from the tiny hotel room desk. Making haste towards the bed only to trip on her own strewn heel; her bare feet slipping on the minimal plush of the modern flooring. Catching her fall on the unstable rolling chair only to be whip-lashed around before coming to a stop. She managed to stand upright and catch her breath, but it was too late. He was in the room and staring at her as she stood there; wearing nothing but her guilty smile and pink panties. 

"What are you doing?" he asked calmly.

"Nothing. Nothing, why? Just getting dressed" she smiled sheepishly.

"What WERE you just doing?" he clarified staring not at her near nakedness, but at her wallet seemingly thrown on the desk with credit cards stuck within the zipper.

"I was just getting dressed," she traced his eyes towards her wallet and tried to distract him   "I couldn't decide what to wear. Do you like these?" she pointed with both her hands to the front of her pink boy-short panties.

"No," he said coldly as he walked towards the laptop "those are the pair you were wearing last night."

'Dammit' she thought. He caught her. She hadn't thought fast enough.

He clicked on the track pad and the monitor came to life. The screen flashed on a "Thank You for Your Order" acknowledgment page.  He turned to her as he began to take off his jet black suit coat.

"Oh, I guess you are right. I'll just go get changed now. Any preference? I was thinking the gray low plunge dress" she said resting her hands on her hips while pushing her chest out intentionally to showcase her breasts, and in-turn her nipples which were currently at full attention due to the room's cold air conditioner, all in a not so subtle attempt to distract him. 

"No, you stay put" he ordered and glanced over at the messy room. The bed was still as it had been when he left for the wedding rehearsal that morning. Her clothes and shoes from last night were still tossed about the room. The only difference was the added room-service trays and dishes on the floor that she must have ordered and failed to clean up afterwards.

"I can't believe you spent all day doing nothing, but wasting time shopping online. We have the rehearsal dinner in 10 minutes and I specifically told you to be dressed and looking your best by the time I got back from the practice. They are waiting for us downstairs," he calmly scolded her as he loosened his tie.

"It's fine. I'll just get dressed really quick" she offered and attempted to walk past him.

"Have you even showered?" he said catching her by her curly locks, sniffing at them as he pulled her hair away from her face to reveal her big guilt-ridden eyes.

"Ahh,, not yet," she answered softly looking away and down at her bare feet in embarrassment.

"Not yet? Not yet?! You had all day," he questioned her in disbelief. "We need to deal with your lack of motivation immediately. Bend over that chair!"

"Honn, come on! Please. I'll just go get dressed" she began to pout as she realized she had pushed him over the edge once more; he had lost his well-known patience.

"Not another word, young lady" he snapped awaiting her to follow his instructions as he began undoing his belt.

Swallowing hard she accepted her fate; she knew he was clearly and rightfully upset. Slowly she swung the hotel chair around and grabbed the seat. Bending over she pushed her bottom up and out timidly causing her cotton panties to stretch to reveal the true width of her ample bottom. 

He stepped forward and grabbed the lace waistband of the wrinkled cotton and pulled them towards him, inspected the inside and confirmed that they were the worn panties. Accepting the fact, he released them.  

"Oww," she responded to the sting of the elastic snapping back
onto her bottom.

Knowing what was coming next she protested holding tight to the chair. ""Pleaase Hon...I don't need a spanking. Can we figure something else out?" 

"Yes, lets figure something out. Lets figure how you are going to pay for everything you bought today? How you are supposed to be on a non-spending diet. How you expect to explain to everyone how the best man and his girlfriend are late to the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal dinner held in the same hotel we are staying at. How do you want to figure all that out?"

"Ummmm..." her mind raced for a reply. She knew that she was legitimately in trouble. "Pleassse...I'll be good at dinner. I'll wear those lil' sheer panties you like. I'll wear that dress..."

"We already talked about your outfit. We picked it out weeks ago and besides, how is that going to help explain us being late?" He interrupted her as he ran his palms over the outside of the soft spandex material of her current panties tracing her plump full cheeks. 

"I'll tell them it was all my fault. That, that....that I thought I was sick!" she offered with pleading eyes.

"Hmmm, perhaps. That is a good cover-up for your laziness. However, the problem is - I don't like to lie."

" is just a little lie. We can just say it real quick and change the sub..." 

"It is still a lie. Unless...
Unless, of course, if I do my due diligence and can explain with confidence that you thought you were sick. And I made sure you weren't sick.
Your ass does feel a bit warm actually; but how on earth to confirm that you aren't sick?" 

Her nails dug into the padded chair seat at the realization at what he might be thinking. 

"We can explain we took the necessary measures to confirm you weren't sick. Stay put," he said and walked to the bathroom and returned seconds later gripping something in his hand.

"Good thing I packed ol' faithful here" he smiled holding up a long lean, bulb-tipped glass instrument for her to see. "No better way to confirm a fever than with a rectal temperature check."

She gulped and steadied herself. "Pleeeease, Hon, Noooo. Doon't...I don't..."


"Shhh. Enough, young lady" he responded as he put the thermometer down on the desk with a clink in front of her. He grabbed at the lace waistband and yanked them down to reveal her goose-bumped naked flesh. He tugged further, right and left and right again until they were stretched taught around her thighs before taking two handfuls of her full bare cheeks and spread them apart as if parting fresh baked-bread. His firm grip held her wide allowing him to admire the view while she squirmed knowing she was fully exposed.

"Did you pack any Vaseline along with your makeup?" he asked looking at her through the mirror over the desk.

"Nooo, why?" she said hesitantly looking back at his reflection as he stood leering behind her, while she felt the cold air conditioning discovering all her private areas.

Releasing her momentarily, he moved his right hand to her face and positioned his middle finger to her lips. She knew what he wanted her to do and instinctively took his thick finger in her mouth and sucked on it. He pushed in and out slowly repeatedly until her lips wet it entirely.

Repositioning his other hand on her bottom, he spread her apart with his thumb and forefinger, then without further warning pushed his minimally moistened middle finger into her tight hole. She let out a soft moan knowing better than to scream, despite the shock of her buttonhole being invaded by his thick finger. 

He continued until his whole finger seemed to be inside her. He slowly moved his finger in and out a couple of times all the while studying her changing facial reactions through the mirror. He retreated it and then inserted it abruptly only to just as quickly pull it out with a pop.

"Gawd!" she yelped shaking in shock.

Before she could protest further, she felt the cold 
glass thermometer probing its way into her still tight bottom. He pushed the glass device deeper and deeper, corkscrewing it forward until it found a resting place and released her bottom. She instantly clenched her cheeks tightly around it. He stepped back and saw little more than just the red tip of the thermometer peaking above her pale mounds.

He gave her right cheek an ironically tender pat as he walked away to the bathroom.
"You stay put, young lady, while I get freshened up like I had planned to do when I first got back."

She waited anxiously in her humbled position while she heard him non-nonchalantly washing up.

"You make quiet the pretty picture in that pose, young lady" He complemented her as he stuck his head out the corner of the bathroom. He took in the full scene and he wanted to laugh out loud, but held back and just snickered.

She heard him and glared in disdain and flipped her hair and turned back abruptly; in the process accidentally catching a side view of herself in the mirror and saw what he was so smug about. 

Here she was her bent over a hotel chair, naked and on display; her full breasts swaying freely while her only scrap of clothing, her panties, were now rolled down to her thighs, no longer serving their purpose of modesty, but rather now framing her featured bottom. Her pronounced bottom - the capping off her utter humiliation - was on full center display with a thermometer whose one end shown proudly like a small flag of conquest protruding between her pale cheeks while the other end; the other end was obviously corked deep and tight up her ass.

She looked away and focused on her face in the mirror. Her hair a mess, her face blushing red, her lips pursed in a futile pout. She looked humbled and her eyes began to glisten with moisture. She squeezed her eyes shut as she fought the tears and tried to focus her mind elsewhere, but her body focused only on the cold, stiff intruder filling her. Trying to reassure herself that her humiliation would be over soon, she took a deep breath only to feel the probe seemingly sink into her deeper. She shuddered and then began to whimper, her plugged bottom shaking in unison.

"Stop moving and hold that in place. You don't want to have to repeat this again, do you?"
he smirked as he finished up and began walking back towards her. "Time to check the reading, so we can proceed."

Chocking back tears, she whispered "Prro..prroceed?" 

"Yes, this was just due diligence. Next comes payment for your actions. If we are going to be late it is going to be due to your actual punishment."

"Actual punishment?!" her eyes bulged in disbelief precisely as the air conditioner unexpectedly kicked-in with a hard thud and screech and a sudden cold blast of air shot out of the vent, all catching her entirely off guard. 

In reaction, she hopped in place, clenched tighter and then released her bottom cheeks. Her sudden movements caused her panties to be freed from around her thighs. They fluttered softly down to land on the floor, as if intentionally shielding her innocent, recently pedicured toes just as the thermometer, seemingly in slow-motion, slipped upwards and out, falling to the carpeted floor without a sound.

What did you think? Please share your thoughts. Comments are always appreciated.
Two polls for the Ladies and two for the Gentleman.
The second poll in each section allows for multiple answers.

I am a Lady and it was...

I am a Lady and think...

I am a Gentleman and...

I am a Gentleman and I think...


  1. Outstanding! Could we have more thermometers?

  2. Hi Scott -
    Sure I would love to include more thermometer stories, but they don't seem very popular here. If I hear from additional readers stating they enjoy this/these stories, I will definitely add.
    Thanks for commenting. Are you a new reader?

  3. definitely a good story. I am rather fascinated by thermometer stories too, so do post them :)

  4. Hi Fondles -
    Glad to hear you enjoyed the story, but even more so that you are a fan of thermometers as well.
    Perhaps my audience has changed.
    Thanks for visiting and commenting.


Comments are always encouraged and appreciated -- Just remember to be polite.