Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Random Thoughts: Define Creepy or Sexy

How is life treating everyone? I have been away from blogging for a bit now unable to find my creative spark. Which is due to multiple factors, from the ongoing negative Union divide to personal issues, and thus unable to carve out any genuine time for dedicated writing. Not sure if anyone noticed. Regardless, I hope to work my way back to writing soon.

Meanwhile, as I was trying to cook up some inspiration, I stumbled across the following ingredients.

1. I was part of a conversation recently about the definition of “creepy” and how possibly, much like so many things in life, one person’s creepy is another person’s sexy. Much like a fetish. Similar to how some define a spanking fetish.

Ponder that for a good solid moment and then add a cup full of the following.

2. I was perusing illustrative inspirations when I came across the following illustration:

click to enlarge (if you dare)

So if you know a few things about me by now you can probably guess right away what I like about this image and why I would put it in the sexy category.
Sophomoric perhaps, but still sexy.
Yes, the perilous situation of the young blond and her windblown skirt of course. Sprinkle in some not so obvious details here and there which add to the sexy visual: for example; her expression, her toes turned in anxiously, her chest at attention and the fact that she wears glasses - all favorites.

Of course, like any illustration I come across, there are things I would have enjoyed much more. For example, sheer or definitively girly panties vs. the thong shown would have been the icing. So all of these still fall under the sexy category for me.

Then you look further and you see what I would define as creepy.
What is with that cab driver? And his mask?
Just leaves a strong tinge of “what the holy hell’?!

I am sure there are some subliminal messages hidden here that the artist wants you to figure out, but I for one am not sure what they all mean.

Take that ticker tape, confetti-like stuff falling down? Is that what it is supposed to be, or is it meant to be represent something else, something that I am obviously missing.
The "F.U." cab company name is a bit much for my tastes and I am sure the other name right below it also has some double-meaning although I have no idea what and or what language that is. (Not the “O. Davis 6” part as that refers to the artist himself, oDavis which can be found on the DeviantArt site).

And lastly, what the hell is that hanging from his rear-view mirror?
and Why?

Not to mention that on the surface level I am not clear of the overall interaction going on. Did she just hail the cab and his abrupt stop sent the wind gusting sideways causing her skirt to blow? Or did she just get out of the cab? But if so that angle doesn’t make sense.

So overall there was some innocent sexiness to this image that featured one of my favorite situations, but it goes awry with that cab driver. Or perhaps it is just me and others don’t see the creepiness in the illustration. Regardless it illustrates my point of the perception of certain things - sexy / not sexy vs. creepy / not creepy.

What are your thoughts? How would you define this? And what is your take on all the questions this illustration conjures up?

Comments are always most appreciated.
Polls for your convenience.

I am a Lady and this is...

I am a Gentleman and this is...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Off Topic: Just Another Day

Here we are again. I can not believe we are in October already and officially in Autumn. Although this is my favorite season the mood has been dark as of late on so many levels and in part the reason for my absence.

If you live in the US of A you are aware of the ongoing, never ending political strife and in particular the current fiasco. It is all very heartbreaking to hear so many varied personal stories that all obviously steer why people's opinions lean a certain way towards the current controversy.

It is also disappointing to not be able to have open minded conversations with friends because so many people are entrenched in their political beliefs that they won't for a mere second stop to give the benefit of the doubt to the "other side".  

I won't go into all that here, for this should be an oasis of distraction. I think I just wanted to vent for a moment and explain part of the reason why I haven't been feeling particularly creative. 

And I'm not sure why - 
because for so many it is Just Another Day in the good ol' USA.* 
We Will Return to our Regular Broadcasting Shortly.

*And on a random side note (or perhaps as a snapshot of how my mind works) all the latest news with references to previous decades and in particular the '80s led my mind to the tag line Just Another Day. A sadly perfect tagline, which came to mind from this rather apropos 80s band and their song by the same name.