Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Random Thoughts: Simple Pleasures

With SO MUCH going on in the world most of us could definitely use a distraction.

Unfortunately, I have not had enough time to properly devote to my distraction of choice, writing, as I would like. I have considered giving you tidbits of stories, smaller scraps of stories than usual. But would those be satisfying? Perhaps? But guessing not.

With new stories missing as of late, here and seemingly on a lot of like-minded blogs, what has been/is your go-to escape? Is it television instead, or videos? Or simply perusing old stories online? 

And to be further intrusive, do you find greater solace in images over stories or are they all equal? Is Tumblr more your speed now, rapid visual stimulation?
Or is Blogger still the nice preffered coasting speed where you can take it all in at your own pace?

I am guessing since you are visiting here you favor the stories at a slightly slower pace. Which leads me to the question I really want to know the answer to.

How much joy do these stories, do my stories to be precise, bring you?

I write for different personal reasons, as I have stated multiple times on this blog, but one of the main reasons I write is with the desire to bring a smile to my readers face. To bring a bit of joy to you. To know a reader has experienced simple exuberant joy after reading one of my posts - well that, in turn, brings me simple joy.

So my inquiring mine wants to know, are you are like I imagine.

Like this young lady. Full of curiosity, reading my stories with anxious hesitation. Stumbling at key story points.  Pausing to breathe, p
ausing to visualize, pausing to imagine yourself in the story. Wanting yet unable to turn away. Reading the lines over and over again. Interest building to sudden enthusiasm and then being overcome with an urge and giving in before you even realise you have.

Is this a possibility - yes.
Is this a  high probability - hard to say.
Well hard to say without being biased.

Therefore, you tell me dear readers, does this site;
do my stories bring you to this point of pleasure?

Do share.

After all, it is only us here.

(The polls below are for your convenience,
but the extra effort of comments are always appreciated.)

I am a Lady and your stories are...

I am a Gentleman and your stories are...

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hump Day - A Day Late?

Did I Miss Hump Day? Really?

That is too bad as I had a non-spanking related GIF I was really wanting to share. Debating actually, yet hump Day would be the excusable day for it. If you would be interested in such imagery that is. Would you be? I know sometimes I need a bit more than just the sole spanking imagery. How about you?

Back to today - How did today happen already?
Well it seems easy enough when there is so much going on. Busy, busy; bussssy! There has been a lot has going on in my offline world plus in the wider world in general as we all know.

Part of the personal “stuff” included an unexpected and extended visit to the dentist for surgery this morning.

Despite being amazed at my high pain tolerance the dentist recommended that I avoid the commute into the city today and stay home. This left me wondering why was she so surprised about my pain tolerance; was it because she was purposely trying to hurt me?

Regardless I am almost certain none of you want to hear about this morning’s type of oral procedures, fear not; as I have something else for you.

This dental visit led my mind to wander. I remembered an old photoset I had gathered off the internet from somewhere that I don’t recall where and haven’t seen since. I haven’t seen it on Tumblr either, which is a rarity in of itself as almost everything seems to find its way to Tumblr these days.

This topical photo set paired with an old character of mine (based on a real-life old friend) would make for a brief yet fun photo story. Well at least it did in my imagination. Isn’t that how you imagine things; with yourself or friends as characters? No? Is that just me?

Regardless I hope this partial but favorite photoset brings a smile to your face.

If I remember correctly she either gives him
the wrong medicine or reads him the diagnosis wrong.

With the Dr.'s full permission of course
he is left to deal with her on his own.
And there is truly only one effective way to deal with incompetence, right?

Look at his face!

He couldn't be more surprised if he won the lottery!
The size of her ample, ripe bottom, PLUS those
white, rayon panties AND thigh-highs – jackpot !

Her look on the other hand -

It changes in an instant from utter disbelief to
sudden shock and pain and ultimately humiliation.

Well not sure if you see the humiliation in this image,
it is on others of this set, but you can definitely see her pain

and it make me smile.

And of course there are other facts about her panties
that just adds to my love of this set, which you might guess at.

Well this set puts a grin on my face every time; did it put one on yours as well?
Or perhaps it brings fear to your face as you imagine the misfortune of this poor girl? Or worse? Let me know either way.

I wish I had time to write my version of this photo-story and how it would all play out, which is different than how the original photoset does. I only wonder if my story would be similar to yours?

I am a Lady and it was...

I am a Gentleman and it was...