Sunday, February 23, 2014

Definition: Preventative Maintenance Sunday

Remember Comments are Always Encouraged! 
Always love to hear feedback.

As an aside, Special Thanks to Hermione for the poll tool recommendation.


pre•ven•ta•tive adjective main•te•nance noun
: The care and servicing for the purpose of maintaining a young lady in satisfactory emotional condition by providing for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects.
 - author: Enzo Man

sun•day noun
: The first day of the week, Sunday, commonly observed as a day of worship by most Christians. Also considered a day of rest. 


"Did I not make myself clear?
Now go clean your face up and get some shoes on. Lucky for you, I don't want to be late otherwise, I would have matched your ass to your bright pink blouse."

"But..buttt..." she mumbled.

"But what?"

"But I wore these skimpy pa..panties you left out for me. I thought if I wore these, then there wouldn't be a" she pouted out her explanation.

"Those lil' white sheer panties young lady are punishment panties. This morning while they will be squeezing your ass tightly, keeping the spanking heat in; while you squirm in failed attempts to sit comfortably for an hour on the cold wooden pew, they will be doing their job...."

"But....why did you spank me, I didn't do anything wrong this morning?!" she daringly interrupted, biting her lip and stomping her bare feet in frustration.

"Your premise is wrong. Wearing those punishment panties today are a preventative maintenance tool. A reminder for this entire week. A reminder to think twice. A reminder that if your ass is not enjoying sitting on the hardwood this morning, imagine what if will feel like next time you actually earn a spanking!"

Who has received their weekly routine maintenance today?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Technical Difficulties Resolved

Technical difficulties seem to have been resolved. 
We now resume our regular posts. 

For those of you who did not see my previous post, I had switched to poll-maker as of the latest post, but every time I hit submit to view results it bombed. All very irritating. I now switched to and hope that resolves the issues going forward.
So if you read my recent post, Simple Preferences, please go back and have your vote counted. I would really appreciate it. Remember it is your right to vote!  Much like voting in the USA, it may not guarantee that things will change exactly the way you'd like, but you still have a right to have your voice heard! 

As mentioned before, I rely on these polls at the end of my story posts to gauge what readers enjoy and or prefer. This is an important tool for me as so many people are shy about commenting. 

Unfortunately no one offered any advise on the poll use topic and so the "ask me anything" offer was not utilized. Perhaps next time. Until then my location, and day to day activities will continue to be shrouded in mystery.

For now, I have other things to attend to, such as scrutinizing a certain 'professional technical support rep'...   

"Don't be so surprised young lady, some conversations are best handled face to face. From your lack of technical expertise to poorly handled customer support - I plan to fully investigate. It is going to be a long day for you. Now lets get to the bottom of things."


Monday, February 3, 2014

Technical Difficulties

We interrupt our regular posts due to technical difficulties. 

Is anyone having trouble voting on my latest post's, Simple Preferencesblog-poll? 

I switched to poll-maker as of the latest post, but every time I hit submit to view results it bombs. Is this happening to anyone else?

I was using freeblogpolls, but that is reading an error every time I attempt to set up a new poll. In the earlier days, I was using blogpoll, but that site seems to be now defunct. 

As regular visitors to this bog know, I use blogpolls at the end of my story posts. I rely on these polls to gauge what readers enjoy and or prefer. This is an important tool for me as so many people are shy about commenting. Not that I get a huge participation on the polls, but every bit helps.

Long story short, I need a recommendation on a blog poll that works. I am having trouble with the online poll feature of this blog and in need of assistance. Anyone have any recommendations based on actual use?

I'll make you an offer; anyone who has useful advice can ask me anything in return. If your information helps, I will answer your inquiry.

Thanks in advance, otherwise I am back to being on hold with technical support. 
- You know customer service isn't what it used to be; especially since so many tech support reps have been allowed to work from home. If I ever get a hold of an actual person; I will take that nerdy girl's...I mean professional 'technical support rep'... to task!