Sunday, October 13, 2024

Hints of a New Season in the Air

Although it is expected yearly, we often fail to see to see the signs, but without a doubt I feel it coming this time; and suddenly. Perhaps stronger than ever. I felt it yesterday, and this morning, and now this afternoon as I type this. 

It is the changing of the seasons.  

From a seemingly prolonged Summer to an eager Autumn, I can feel it. 

It is all part of nature's cycles, including the mixed underlying emotions, and maybe that is all there is to it and I am the one reading into it. 

Or maybe there is more to it. 

There is something that feels like major change in the air. Not defined, not clear if its good or bad. 

Or maybe its simply all a realization.
A crisp reminder that now more than ever time is running quicker than usual and our tomorrow's are never guaranteed.

If you've read my blog throughout the years, not just the entertainment stories, but manged to  read through my personal accounts as well, you might recall that my road had been bumpy and windy. Not more than others, probably equally as challenging as most, but now as I face another crossroads the sign posts are getting more important. Not clear as to which road to take, but more urgent as these forks may not come up again.

Don't worry, there is nothing immediately dire (although I have dealt with a combination of a serious health issue, ongoing relationship struggles, and big life challenges all in the past year and a half), but decisions do need to be made about the future. I won't bore you with those choices, but rather focus on other less serious and more public routes.

There has been limited amount of time I am able to devout to this blog especially in the last couple years and it has me thinking.
I will possibly be having even less time to dedicate to this blog in the next year, so what areas do I want to focus on for this blog? There are plenty of stories on here as well as lots of tidbits, personal reflections, and general topics.

I love sharing my stories. Knowing that someone out there is enjoying them brings me a sense of simple joy and accomplishment.

Therefore, I've been thinking:

I could combine all my stories somehow


sort them for easier quick reference in an index sort of way

and / or
delete some of the less popular stories and posts.

All options I want to look into.

Therefore, my ask (because there is always an "ask") for you dear readers, is the following:

"What is your Favorite Actual Story of mine? Or stories?
They don't have to be related stories or they can be, if that just happens to be the case.

Which of My Story Themes do you enjoy? or which do you not enjoy?
Maybe you like them all, but usually people have a certain theme preference and I tend to cross multiple fetish preferences in my stories.

I believe I asked similar in the past, but for whatever reason I can't find my own post on this so maybe I didn't.


That's it for now. Hope you all have a great start to your week.